Saturday, August 8, 2009

What a day!

Hey Ya'll I just wanted to take a little time to update everybody. We were involved in an accident on August 6 2009. Everybody is okay just a little sore. We are very lucky!

Peewee was driving and I was sitting in passenger seat and Kenneth was in the back. A 18 wheeler slammed on breaks in front of us and we slammed on breaks and came to a stop. Well there was a Honda that was going about 65 or 70 that hit us full force. We slid in the other lane. (thank God nothing was coming in that lane to T-bone us) It was a construction zone, so we hit the guard rail so hard that we bounced off of it and then hit again about 10 yards down and slid down it about 20 yards. We are very very lucky that we are alive. The officers were shocked that we weren't hurt anymore than we are. Kenneth is fine, he has a little belt burn on his neck but other than that he was asleep so he was good and relaxed just scared. Peewee had to climb out of the passenger side because we were pinned on the guard rail. You think that is the bad news right? WRONG, the girl that hit us didn't have any insurance or even and license. We went today to look at it and the engine was on the ground!! I'm pretty sure that it is going to be totalled we will know more next week.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Summer Fun

Kenneth is loving the Summer time! Anything that has to do with water he is all for. He has no fear. He loves to jump off the side of pool for mommy and daddy to catch him! These are just a few pictures of Kenneth in his kiddie pool in the backyard.

Potty Time

Okay, So I had some down time at work and decided to use my time wisely and post some blogs for the family. Things at the Pena household are good. I want to share some thing that Kenneth has done latley.

I was sitting in the computer room the other day, doing what I do best, downloading music, and I said to myself..."Wow! The house sure is quite, let me go and see what Kenneth has manage to get himself into today." To my surprise I found Kenneth sittin on the potty! Now maybe he is getting the idea of potty training..(We have been talking alot about potty training latley and have been watching the Elmo potty training movie)...except for one major factor, he was fully clothed! Kenneth was sitting there very quitely reading his favorite Elmo book. This amazes me. I first wondered, where did he get his book because the last time I read him this book was in his bedroom. Second, I wondered how he got on the potty..not stool or anything just climbed right up there.

I ran down the hall back in the computer room to grab the camera and took a few shots, hope you enjoy. The first one is how I found him sitting "on" the potty! The Second picture is what happened when he saw me taking pictures of him, he fell in the potty that time! He never missed a beat though..just continued reading his Elmo Book!

Maybe soon we will get the concept of what to do on the potty!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

1st Birthday

Well as you know Kenneth is now 1 yr old!! Wow this year has really flown by. We celebrated his birthday at his Granpa Joey and Grandmommy's house in Montgomery. We all had a great time and really appreciate everything everybody did. We have so many pictures from his birthday that were taken but here are just a few.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Attitudes are contagious. Are you worth catching?

I was surfing around on the internet this morning while I was at work (I know I probably should have been working but being I'm a 911 dispatcher if there isnt any 911 lines ringing and the officers arent talking well I have time to play on the internet) I came across some really quotes that I want to share with everyone.

"Everyday may not be a good, but there is something good in everyday." Unknown Author

"Our attitude towards life determines life's attitude towards us." John N. Mitchell

"You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude towards what happens and in that you will be mastering change rather than allowing change to master you. " Brian Tracy

On a daily basis I deal with people that have good attitudes and bad attitudes, and latley its feels like ive delt more with people with bad attitudes (maybe something to do with my job occupation) I too am guilty of having a bad attitude sometimes towards something...whether it be my job, my outlook on life or just people in general. Today I am going to change that!

The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, the education, the money, than circumstances, than failure, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company...a church...or home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past...we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only things we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our ATTITUDE. I am convinced that life is 10% of what happens and 90% oh how we react to it. We are incharge of our attitudes!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas Day

This Christmas was a very special Christmas for the Pena family because its Kenneth's First Christmas. It has been very interesting watching Kenneth look and the christmas tree and the gifts under the tree with confusion. We battled him for the month the tree was up with taking the ornaments off the tree, pulling the garlin and taking the bows of the gifts. It was so funny to watch him snatch an ornament off the tree and then run down the hall to try and keep it away from his mommy and daddy.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Boys with be boys!

Kenneth has a new fascination with Tucker's dog food. Adjoining our kitchen is a small walk way that connects you to the bedrooms and bathroom. In that walk way we keep Tucker's crate and Tuckers food. Everyday Kenneth will spot that blue dog bowl and walk over there (knowing he isn't supposed to) he will turn around and look and see if you are watching him, slide his little hand down to the floor and pick up a piece of dog food and once again turn around to see if you are watching, then quickly pop it in his mouth and take off running down the hall. It is so funny to watch him do this knowing that he knows he isn't supposed to. Every time he gets that piece of dog food in his mouth he gets the big grin on his face!

Kenneth has a tendency to fuss when he is on one side of the baby gate and you are on the other side. Most of the time when I'm in the kitchen, Kenneth is in the kitchen also. He loves to help mommy by pulling the swiffer off the wall and dragging the pots and pans out of the cabinet.

Kenneth is at the age where he is into everything, everday is an adventure, a memory and picture. I cant wait to share it with you!