Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Splish Splash I was taking a bath...

So I was giving Kenneth a bath the other day, which by the way he absolutely loves getting a
bath, and he was just cracking me up. Often times when it is bath time we sing a song to him.."Splish Splash I was taking a bath..." every time we sing that song to him no matter where we are or the time of day he always gets this big smile on his face and starts dancing. Well the other day he realized that he can stand up in the bath tub. I was excited to see him to that but at the same time I thought to myself "Oh great...this is going to make bath time even more interesting than it already is" Kenneth was standing up in his little blue seat, he finagled his leg out, so at this time he his standing up in his seat with one leg out of his seat and one leg in his seat. Well he notices his rubber duck..Kenneth dives out of his seat, makes a big splash and catches he little rubber duck. Kenneth looks up at me as he is laying there in the water, looks at his chair and then lets out this big giggle. It was so cute I thought that I would share this with all of you!

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